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Environment Journal article on ADEPT & climate change

Stop sidestepping the issue – we must adapt to climate change now

Climate change is real and the UK Climate Change Risk Assessment 2017 evidence report provides the solid evidence needed to refute accusations of doom-mongering. Risks from flooding, to health, soil structure, food production, water supply, ecosystems and biodiversity are just some of the issues outlined and each one is a cause for concern.

This welcome report illustrates why we can no longer afford to be complacent about what needs to be done to reduce the impacts of climate change. We can no longer afford to sidestep climate change adaptation.

While the emphasis on carbon reduction and mitigation priorities outlined in the Paris summit are vital, the failure to give equal importance to adaptation measures is a disappointing misstep and one that needs to be addressed. Even if we were successful in stopping carbon emissions right now, there would still be a period of stabilisation where we would continue to feel the very real impacts of climate change.

Effective climate adaptation measures are therefore essential. Resilient infrastructure, particularly transport and communications, is one of the fundamental pillars of a strong economy. We need to build resilient communities and businesses equipped to face the future. That is the role of ADEPT.

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