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Climate Change Committee – call for evidence for CCRA4

Category: Briefing Notes Consultations


Climate Change Committee – call for evidence for CCRA4

We have now launched the methodology and call for evidence for the Independent Assessment of UK Climate Risk that will underpin the UK’s Fourth Climate Change Risk Assessment (CCRA4). This independent assessment will be delivered in 2026 and will provide an updated assessment of the risks and opportunities from climate change and the potential for adaptation to address them. The next CCRA4 Independent Assessment (CCRA4-IA) will build on the previous assessment. It will feature: 

  • A Technical Report led by the Met Office and a consortium of experts which will synthesise the most up-to-date evidence on the range of risks and opportunities facing the UK from climate change, and their ‘urgency’ for additional policy to address them. 
  • A Well-Adapted UK report, which will seek to inform the actions that governments around the UK can take to improve climate resilience in the next round of national adaptation programmes.  

 How can I find out more? 

We want to make this work more accessible than ever and have set out our proposed methodological approach for the CCRA4-IA on the CCC website. This also sits alongside a video explainer, led by Baroness Brown, Chair of the Adaptation Committee and Ken Wright, Team Leader – CCRA.  

You can also subscribe to our general climate risk mailing list via our website Keep updated - UK Climate Risk.

How can I support this work? 

We’re seeking your evidence and information on UK climate risk, to inform the next Climate Change Risk Assessment Independent Assessment (CCRA4-IA) Technical Report. The call for evidence is a key part of the process and we’re keen to update our understanding of climate risks. Find out more and respond to the call for evidence on the Met Office website

We will also be in touch with relevant stakeholders individually over the next few months to invite attendees to steering groups for the analytical projects we are currently running and for input to specific topics relevant to the technical report and other work. We are also very keen to hear from anyone who may be doing or planning relevant or complementary work. Please do get in touch if that is the case.

 A reminder that the analytical projects are covering the following topics:

  • Adaptation of agricultural landscapes
  • Climate resilient urban development
  • Interventions to build economy-wide resilience to water scarcity
  • Minimising healthcare disruption during future weather extremes
  • Climate risks and adaptive capacity along cold supply chains.


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