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Extension to deadline announced - Live Labs 2

ADEPT has announced that the deadline for applications for the new three-year £30m programme ADEPT Live Labs 2: Decarbonising Local Roads in the UK is to be extended.

Funded by the Department for Transport (DfT), ADEPT’s new Live Labs 2 prospectus sets out how the new programme aims to enable resilient, net zero carbon, local road networks through the decarbonisation of transport infrastructure across local roads.

The new deadline has been extended to 12 noon on Tuesday 4th October, to acknowledge the impact of the recent death of Queen Elizabeth II.

1-2-1 support will remain available to prospective teams during this time and potential bidders are able to use the Live Labs 2 forum to form consortia, share ideas and collaborate during the bid process.

Local authority-led teams providing successful Expressions of Interest will be invited to present at a ‘Dragons’ Den’ style panel in London – it has now been confirmed that the date for this event will be Friday 4th November, and will take place in London. 

For more information, please visit the Live Labs 2 section of the website.

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