ADEPT comments on NPPF
ADEPT comments on NPPF
Sarah Povall, policy advisor ADEPT said: “ADEPT welcomes the standardisation in the calculation of housing needs in the revised NPPF, but notes the risk that simplified housing targets will put more emphasis where demand is already high, undermining areas that have growth ambition but currently lack market stimulus to meet it.
“Emphasis on a singular objective such as housing must not detract from the broader place making objectives that serve to create new communities where people want to live.
“ADEPT saw this revision as the opportunity to bring back together fragmented policies across government departments. The opportunity to consider the golden thread that runs through some of the major policy positions, including the Clean Growth Strategy, Circular Economy, 25 Year Environment Plan and Industrial Strategy has been missed.
“These themes remain disjointed largely due to the loss of core principles, such as the economic, social and environmental objectives of sustainable development, which used to underpin it.”