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ADEPT response to the Glover Review

ADEPT has responded to the Glover Review, published on the 21st September 2019.

Paula Hewitt, Chair of ADEPT's Environment Board said: "The legislation governing protected landscapes in England has been successful, delivering our essential and much-valued National Parks and AONBs. 

"ADEPT believes that socio-economic sustainability should be reflected in the statutory purposes of National Parks and AONBs in the same way as environmental protection and recreation. Severe resource pressures over the last 10 years has had a serious negative impact on councils’ capacity to help deliver the aims of protected landscapes, but it is still essential that rural communities are provided with the necessary infrastructure to support skills, jobs and growth.

"It is also important that the reformed system of agricultural payments when we have left the EU gives sufficient weight to protecting and enhancing environmental assets in protected areas. National Parks and AONBs should have a role in determining the purpose and allocation of land management payments in their area in order to align with their strategic priorities and management plans.

"ADEPT was pleased to talk to the Glover team during the review, and we look forward to engaging with them to discuss moving forward with their recommendations."

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