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ADEPT's view on Defra delay to EPR implementation

Steve Palfrey, Chair of ADEPT’s Waste Group said: "ADEPT is very disappointed to learn that the introduction of Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) has been delayed by at least a year. Whilst the timescale was always ambitious, we had hoped that it would have been delivered in accordance with the programme that government had originally set out. This will mean that the public purse will continue to fund managing packaging waste for another year at a time when local authority budgets are already extremely stretched.

"We hope that government will take this additional time working with all of its stakeholders to deliver a first class EPR packaging scheme that can then be used as a blueprint for other materials – one that adds value, reduces waste and maximises resource efficiency. Our planet cannot afford for this to be delayed any longer than absolutely necessary. We look forward to seeing the outcome of the consultations and will continue to work with government to help deliver a circular economy and thriving natural environment."

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