Proving Services Blog: The FHRG Pop-Up Survey (Clarion) Process
In conjunction with members of the Future Highways Research Group (FHRG), Proving has developed a new approach for capturing timely and accurate data that reflects the views of all citizens, not just the unrepresentative, repetitive and vocal few who tend to complete external surveys.
The Pop-Up Survey Process (PSP) conducts targeted (stratified) on-street surveys, collecting perceptions, views and priorities of asset users, local citizens and business, and community groups.
Surveys are short (3 to 5 questions) and usually completed within 4 to 6 minutes. Different questions can be asked for different circumstances, e.g. the time of year, different locations and audiences. Survey questions are set and owned by the authority. The FHRG proposes to hold a library of all questions asked that can then be shared with other FHRG members. Where possible, authorities will be encouraged to agree a core set of questions that will enable a benchmark comparison across the sector. Responses can be anonymised if required. PSP is part of the FHRG ‘Big Picture’ initiative, which aims to provide richer and more relevant data to the highways sector.
Pop-up surveys demonstrate a visible and active interest in the community. By engaging in face-to face discussions they also provide an opportunity for the authority to communicate its own challenges, priorities and successes.
It is a common misconception that large populations require a corresponding sample size to accurately reflect the population. The key is to ensure the survey reflects the diversity of the population including age, socioeconomic status, ethnic background and disabilities.
Statistical evidence shows that for a population of 1,000,000, to achieve a confidence rating of 95%+/- 10%, the standard survey size is just 97. A standard survey can be completed within 7 hours using two interviewers and a supervisor.
Several FHRG members are commencing a pilot over the next few weeks. We will report regularly on progress. If any other ADEPT members would like more information or to participate in a trial, please contact Simon Wilson at [email protected].