Advice for local authorities on non-mains drainage from non-major development published on the Planning Portal
Advice for local authorities on non-mains drainage from non-major development has been published on the Planning Portal. It has been provided to help local planning authorities ensure proposals for non-mains drainage for non-major development complies with the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) and Planning Practice Guidance (PPG). It has been provided because since 2015 the Environment Agency is not a statutory consultee for these planning applications, thus local planning authorities won’t have access to bespoke advice from Environment Agency on such development when they are determining these applications.
This guidance is principally to help local planning authorities determine planning applications proposing to rely on non-mains foul drainage systems, but it will also be useful for developers proposing development using non mains drainage. This guidance will be most useful in those areas with high levels of growth and environmentally sensitive receptors such as environmental designations for water bodies (e.g. Special Areas of Conservation). This combination of circumstances is likely to mean that there will be a relatively high number of non-mains drainage proposals that could affect sensitive environmental receptors in the water environment.
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