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ADEPT / CIPFA Green Finance Training

ADEPT/CIPFA Green Finance Training

Wednesday 6th December, 10:00-16:00
77 Mansell St, London
£199 + vat

ADEPT and CIPFA are holding another session of the popular Green Finance training day for Place leaders and their senior finance business partners.

The session will cover key questions, including:

  • How do local authorities access green finance? (new sources of investment for climate/environment projects over and above traditional capital financing routes)
  • How do LAs use this new investment within the normal rules and safeguards of public finance management?
  • How do LAs package and present their desired climate/environment projects into a programme that is investment-ready for private finance and affordable for the LA?

We have some great speakers - the programme is here.

This is an in-person, full-day course and is open to ADEPT local authority members. Places are limited and allocated on a first-come, first-served basis.

The cost is £199 + vat (please note you will need a purchase order number to book).

Book your place here

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