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Lunch & Learn with Costain - slide pack

Category: Meeting Literature


The South East Wales region and Cardiff City Council want to move towards a future of decarbonised transport to help meet their goals of helping Wales achieve net zero by 2050 and making Cardiff a carbon neutral city by 2030. They recognise that hydrogen has an important part to play in this. HyValue is a clean transport-related project aimed at addressing this challenge in South East Wales. It has brought together Welsh Water, Costain, Cardiff Council and Welsh Government.

The project investigates the use of waste gases from the sewage process as a source feed to produce green fuel grade hydrogen. This hydrogen can then be supplied locally to meet regional decarbonised transport needs. If technically and economically viable, the model could be lifted and shifted to any city or region in the UK. Costain has been fortunate enough to be involved in the upstream production feasibility study for hydrogen supply and associated downstream hydrogen for transport demand assessment study.

In this Lunch and Learn session, Costain and their partners in Cardiff Council and Welsh Water ran through the project to date, what they've learnt and what the future holds.

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