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National Traffic Managers' Conference 2024 - programme


All speaker profiles can be seen on our Speakers page.


Welcome from the Chair

Amy Harhoff, Chair, ADEPT Transport & Connectivity Board / Durham County Council 


New government, new priorities

Anthony Ferguson, Deputy Director Traffic & Technology, Department for Transport


Session 1: Something old, something new

Chair: Neil Edwards, ADEPT South East Traffic Managers Forum / Kent County Council 

  • Implementing moving traffic contravention powers in the regions - the challenges and opportunities
    Rob Shoebridge, Group Manager Traffic and Transportation, Derby City Council
  • Early learnings on how artificial intelligence can support network management and traffic managers
    Ryan Hood, Digital Services, Arup
11:15Refreshment break

Session 2: The impact and learnings of road space reallocation

Chair: Paul Garrod, ADEPT South West Traffic Managers Forum / Bath & NE Somerset Council

  • On-street EV charging: leading the way
    Shamala Gadgil, CVLR Programme Delivery Manager and EV Infrastructure Programme Senior Engineer, Coventry City Council
  • Liveable neighbourhoods: how to sell the positives
    Hannah Battye, Head of Place Making, Oxfordshire County Council
  • Enabling the foundation of mobility: maximising the potential of kerbside management
    Mike Potter, Head of Customer Success, AppyWay

Session 3: Enhancing road safety and improving behaviours for safer streets - a panel discussion

Chair: Hannah Winstanley, General Manager and Country Lead UK, Brightly 

  • Dr Shaun Helman, Chief Scientist for Behavioural Sciences, TRL Ltd
  • Dr Suzy Charman, Executive Director, Road Safety Foundation
  • Brian Deegan, Director of Inspections, Active Travel England
  • Steve Gooding, Director, RAC Foundation

Session 4: Live Labs 2 programme

Chair: Sonia Hansen, ADEPT East of England Traffic Managers Forum / Cambridgeshire County Council

Hear the latest on the Live Labs 2 programme and from two of the projects

Giles Perkins, Live Labs 2 Programme Director

UK Centre of Excellence for Decarbonising Roads (South Campus)
Jake Murgatroyd, Transport for West Midlands

A Future Lighting Testbed
Karl Rourke, East Riding of Yorkshire Council

15:55Closing remarks by conference chair

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