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Blueprint webinar - adaptation and planning reform

How can net zero and climate adaptation goals be met through planning reform?

The Blueprint Coalition - an influential group of local government organisations, environmental groups and research institutions - hosted a webinar on 13th February 2025, exploring how net zero and climate adaptation goals can be met through planning reform.

Planning is a key lever for reaching net zero and adapting to climate change. In this webinar we discussed how reforms to the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) and the much-anticipated Future Homes Standard may impact councils’ climate action plans. 

We heard from Sophie Broadfield, Chair of ADEPT's South West Board and Director of Sustainable Communities at Bath & North East Somerset Council, Gemma Burgess, who leads on environment and sustainability within planning policy at MHCLG, and her colleague Rhys Archer who leads on climate change planning specifically. We also heard from Martin Elliot who heads Strategic Planning at Leeds City Council, Cllr Martyn Alvey who holds the Environment and Climate Change portfolio at Cornwall Council and Celia Davis, who manages Projects and Policy at the Town and Country Planning Association (TCPA).

A Q&A session followed the presentations, where topics such as viability, local authority reorganisation, and community engagement were discussed.

You can watch the webinar here:

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