ADEPT Live Labs 2 - Expo 2025
The Hilton, Liverpool, 25th March 2025
The trailblazing Live Labs 2 programme, which aims to put decarbonisation at the heart of local roads strategy and management, will be showcased for a second year at the Live Labs 2 Expo event in 2025.
Taking place at Liverpool’s Hilton Hotel on 25th March with a dynamic new structure, the 2025 Expo programme will allow attendees to create their own unique experience throughout the day, prioritising their own areas of investigation and interest. There will also be ample time to network and engage with each of the projects in depth.
Live Labs 2 is a three-year, £30 million, UK-wide programme funded by the Department for Transport that will run until March 2026, with a five-year subsequent, extended monitoring and evaluation period. Seven projects, grouped by four interconnected themes, are being led by local authorities working alongside commercial and academic partners.
Highlights of the day will include:
- Breakfast reception and networking lunch
- A round-up of year two’s developments from programme leader Giles Perkins
- Bookable Dragons' Den/Pecha-Kucha learning/pitching sessions
- Exciting Live Labs learn-ins hosted on the programmes’ stands
- Behaviour change and carbon plenary session
- Time for engagement and interaction with the Live Labs teams and partners
- Opportunities to hear from potential new collaborators and create new partnerships to drive forward the local roads decarbonisation sector.
It is a must-attend for all those involved in leading the charge to decarbonise the design, construction, maintenance and renewal of highways infrastructure. It is estimated that local authorities across the UK currently spend more than £2bn per year on local roads and their maintenance. This runs alongside considerable investment from private sector partners.
The event will provide a valuable opportunity to engage with each of the seven Live Labs 2 projects and includes a deep dive into the progress made across programmes and crucial insights into the most effective solutions, services and technology from each team.
The Live Labs 2 Expo presents a rare opportunity for organisations to highlight tools, products and services to the key budget holders and decision makers, from both public and private sectors, who are leading the work to decarbonise the UK's local highways.
As part of the dynamic new structure for the day, small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) attending the event are being given the opportunity to pitch their project or innovation to a Dragons’ Den style panel of industry specialists including the Department for Transport and National Highways.
The format is as follows:
- Each SME will have a five-minute slot to pitch their innovation, in whatever format they see fit, to a panel of Dragons to demonstrate the demonstrable and quantifiable carbon benefits.
- Each pitch will be challenged by the experts in a Dragons’ Den format in front of the conference audience (5 minutes).
- To avoid having the same / similar pitches – we are asking interested SMEs to provide a short description of their innovation including how it will demonstrate clear and measurable carbon benefits and how they support the sector achieve zero carbon local highways.
Registration is FREE here.